I had so little to offer then. So little space to offer it in. You led me out of something I don't even have words for, and into...a very different something I don't have words for. How could I not devote space to you? How could I not give what little I had to You when You gave so much to me?
Glorious Hekate Einalia, Empress of the Dark Seas! It is World Ocean Day. I thank You for Your presence in my life as the Lake Monster, and more recently as Mother Hydra. I thank You for the alligator who followed the boat. I thank You for the lakes, rivers, and beaches. I thank You for humpback whales. I thank You for the turtles. I thank You for baths, showers, swimming pools, and glasses of water to drink. I thank You for rainy days and thriving plants. I thank You for the aquatic entry to other realms. I thank You for Your presence in everything that exists in our physical world, as well as the many ways water exists in other worlds. Khaire Hekate Einalia! Praise Lake Monster! Iä Mother Hydra!
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