Confusion and Trust

Glorious Hekate! I am blessed in Your presence. Torchbearer, I trust You to shine Your light and lead me through the darkness of my confusion.

Mother, everything is shifting in ways I didn't see coming. Of course, that's how the shift works. When I see it coming it's just like a turn on the road. It's when I don't see it coming that I feel things have suddenly shifted and everything is being jerked in different directions. I don't always recognize what is good and what is not. Even what I do recognize as good, I can be overwhelmed by.

That's where I am now. There's still a lot that I can't see. I'm not alarmed by everything that I can see. There are points that I know are good, but I'm still kind of afraid of them. They're new and unfamiliar. I feel like there's a new crossroads every few steps. I fear making the wrong choice.

I know I'm not walking alone. I trust Your guidance. And quick, cunning, clever, kind Hermes is part of this journey. I express my fear and doubt as part of my devotion to You. I'm not hiding parts of myself.


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