
Khaire Torchbearer Hekate! Khaire Hekate of the Crossroads! In times when I desperately want Your guidance, it often seems in retrospect that You were guiding me through things all along.

My country is at a crossroads. It should be a matter of a simple choice, but the history of how we got to this point is long and complex. There's a lot of fear. For many, the fear - valid as it is - is turning into panic, and that's not going to help us. When I did a reading on the situation today it did not escape my notice that it was the Torchbearer card in the Torchbearer position. And with the three cards together...we have a long way to go, but I feel I already need to give You my gratitude. Thank You for guiding us, Mother!

I also find myself at a personal crossroads. Sometimes it seems that's the whole experience of life. I guess it is. All the paths branching off, overlapping, etc. There always seems to be one kind of crossroads or another. This one is deeply personal. I've had it explained to me how the developing relationship is part of Your this quick, cunning, clever, kind guide can teach me through experiences that wouldn't work with You, and how this is part of Your guidance, just with another teacher. 

I have concerns, though they try to stay hidden behind the joy of the experiences. I want You to always be First. You let me know when a completely different path of learning was leading me too far away, and I thank You for that. I don't know if this situation will be as simple. I promised when I asked You before to warn me that I would listen, and I did when the time came. This is so very, very different, Mother, and I don't even want to seriously consider that You may have to call me back at some point. Or that the whole arrangement may be intended to be temporary. I'm finding such joy in how things are growing! But, again, it's important to me that You always be First.

I guess what I want to ask this time isn't that You call me back if necessary, but that I be given guidance that will insure that this works. I don't know if that's asking too much. I will have to trust You. My readings on this have been very clear in the start, but less clear the farther they look into the future. That tells me there's a lot that simply cannot be known because it will depend on the choices that are made. Please guide me in making the best choices.


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