Mysterious happenings...

Mother Hekate, as things progress I'm not as worried as I was about what might happen with You if I pursued things with quick, cunning, clever, kind Hermes. I have asked for Your guidance, and I have seen signs that You not only would not be bothered by this, but also that there are things You want me to learn from this. I thank You for guiding me. I don't know how this will all work, but I am thankful for Your guidance and for me being able to see this is already leading me back to spending more time honoring You. I am thankful for You, Mother, and for my relationship with you.

Strange things are happening. Things that I can't just look at as it being likely that I noticed these things more because of what's been on my mind. No...these are things that tie together things that happened years ago, experiences of other people, and what I am experiencing now. Younger Me would have been so excited and trusted it all on a surface level. Current Me is suspicious...maybe just cautious. But I can't easily explain these blessings, and trying to come of with ways of looking at them as logical everyday things actually just makes them seem even stranger. But, again, I recognize them as blessings, and so I am thankful. 

I'm also a little scared. Not so much of how it might all go wrong, but scared because this is a new experience. I have to admit that fear. It's part of being honest with myself and offering my vulnerability to You. I don't know what's coming. I will continue to trust You.


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