Something's not right...

Truth Speaks sigil created by Laura Tempest Zakroff

Mother, I see so much pain, fear, and trying to find ways to process what is happening that aren't really mentally healthy. Even in all of that, though, there is a different stream of people getting the feeling that "something's off", "something is too weird", "something's not right".

You know things were not delivered in the mail that should have been. You know some people had things returned to them that shouldn't have been. You know that while many people may just not like the numbers on the surface, it's numbers deeper below that aren't quite making sense.

Maybe we are desperate, but we have reason to be! Too much pain will come from this. Too much death. And there's already too much of that in the world, but we had hopes to maybe fix some of it instead of adding to it.

If this is truly what has been chosen, we need Your help surviving it and doing better going forward. But if this is not truly what has been chosen, we need Your help revealing the truth so that it cannot be ignored and puts a stop to what is happening before more damage can be done. Either way, we need that truth before two months has passed. It would be best to have it before even another week has passed.

Last time, they tried to lie and do unjust things in the name of Themis. This time, they have proposed things that will insult and betray nearly all of the Immortal Ones known to humans. If this can be stopped, Mother, we need Your help.

No matter it all turns out, thank You for Your presence and Your guidance.


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