Dark Moon, New Year

Glorious Hekate! The dark moon passed a few nights ago, but I still think of it as the new year starting with one. The moon is still dark enough that I can't see the difference, and following a human-created calendar as if it was the only accurate way of timing things isn't always the best way to do it. And we spend this week in a liminal space, feeling like the year is over but the new one hasn't started yet. I look to the dark moon with hope. I see You at the start of this new year.

Mother, this year brings challenges and echoes of the past. It also brings opportunities for me to do important work with my art and writing. I ask for Your guidance. Help me do what is best with that work. Help me deliver the best messages, and reach the people who most need it. Help me heal with my work - myself and others. Bless my family with the tools we need to be able to give me time and energy for that work.

Mother, please let me keep my Miniature Luck Dragon with me through this new year. I pray his sister has found a place with You, or that she simply exists now in eternal bliss. But I still need him, Mother. And please help me give him all that he needs.

The beginning of a new year is always a little scary for me. People put so much emphasis and expectation on it. And almost everyone seems to be afraid of what will happen in this one. If The Tower falls, please guide us in building a better environment - not just a replacement of the old one.

Askei Kataskei Erōn Oreōn Iōr Mega Samnyēr Baui
Askei Kataskei Erōn Oreōn Iōr Mega Samnyēr Baui 
Askei Kataskei Erōn Oreōn Iōr Mega Samnyēr Baui 
Phobantia Semnē


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