I look for You in the cards...

Mother Hekate - Glorious Hekate! - I find You everywhere I look. So much of my divination work these days is done with tools other than tarot, but I return to those cards for many purposes. Sometimes I ask myself which Major Arcana card seems to be YOUR card, much like I see Hermes as The Magician. Of course, I see Hermes in other cards, too, but it depends on context. Yes, at times I see him in The Fool, though he is more likely to be the companion dog. But to choose just one card - The Magician!

It's not so simple with You. Even in the cards, I find You everywhere that I look.

I see You in The Fool, as a door has been opened and a journey begun. That 0 could be a full moon, and just as easily a dark moon. 

I see You in The Moon.

I see You in The High Priestess, the actual third card if one starts with The Fool. And I see You in The Empress, which carries the number 3.

Of course I see She Who Works From Afar and She Who Loves Solitude in the number 9, The Hermit!

And I see You in Strength, and The Wheel of Fortune, and The Hanged Man in his liminal state. I see You in each step of the story. And there You are at the end of the story, Anima Mundi...Soul of the World!

But, of course, it's not really the end of the story. More the ending of a chapter. An opportunity for another beginning.

If I had to choose one card...just one? I can narrow things down to two. The High Priestess and Anima Mundi. Oh, but there's that itch to start adding all of the others back in! 

After all, each card is a key for unlocking the Mysteries. 


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