Welcome Message
Welcome to this virtual Hekatesion. May you give honor and receive blessing while you are here.
Yes. A shrine to Hekate.
Oh, I played with that one for a while before deciding! Online shrine? Internet shrine? Digital? Cyber?
I remember reading a discussion once about those words being mostly synonymous, but each being applied more to some areas than others. "Virtual" was the one that didn't really have a precise area of technology to be applied to. It's more about a concept. An in-between thing. The intangible reality of Internet spaces, but also the possibility that virtual things don't exist at all.
So, yes. Virtual.
I couldn't let go of the idea, even though I had a list of reasons not to take on something like this. I know that persistent subtle nudge. The one that adds a detail to what the offering should be every time I tell myself I already have plenty of projects. The one that gives me only so much time to realize a request is being made.
I remember the days of virtual shrines and altars in the late 90s. Very few of those sites exist anymore. A lot of them were on Geocities.
I decided a blog format would probably work best for me, being the one to tend this virtual shrine for Her. I took the monthly archive and label archive off the side. Scroll through, wander...
Let Her guide you.