
Wandering in the Dark

Khaire Hekate! Mother, I trust You to light the paths with Your torches and guide me through. I have not given up hope, though I am tired, confused, and feeling a bit cynical at times. I know there are times when the paths should not have light. Finding the way in the dark is not usually a pleasant experience, but it can teach things that cannot be learned in the light. Being able to trust in the dark is a special level of trust. I trust You to guide me even in the dark. Glorious Hekate - Pammetor and Soteria - gladden my heart as I devote myself to you. Guide and protect me always on my journey.

The Work, and Whatever is Ahead

Mother Hekate... Glorious Hekate! Hekate Ourania! Hekate Khthonia! Hekate Einalia! Daughter of Destruction, born of the Stars... Torchbearer. Keeper of the Keys. I call You "Mother". The work with Hermes is surprising me with how healing it is. Ways I didn't know I could heal. Ways that my healing work with human professionals prepared me for how to manage carrying the pain, but not really how to truly heal. I'm starting to see how those are very different results. This work is a little confusing, though. Maybe not the work itself, but how things got to this arrangement. But it is my understanding that You have an important part in this, and I think of how You are also known as She Who Works from Afar, and I thank You for what is happening. I have my doubts about previous work I was doing. I've had to take a break from some things in order to manage the current overwhelm from things currently going on around me. I don't doubt that I did need to be doing that w

When something breaks...

Mother, I thank You for guiding me. You know how my heart aches when I lose something that has great meaning for me. You know how much I put into things that I make. So, of course, it has been upsetting to realize one of the beautiful fluorite beads broke in that string of prayer beads. I could tell I was close to crying. And it may continue to hurt for a while. But I also know why I made those prayer beads, and I remember why I made the ones that have been sitting on Your altar for a while. I see this as Your guidance. I don't think You broke the bead...there are too many possibilities for why it was just likely to break on its own. But I thank You for the ideas that suddenly became so obvious and connected in my mind. The things I remembered, and the flow of events and meaning that I understood. Thank You for guiding me.


Khaire Torchbearer Hekate! Khaire Hekate of the Crossroads! In times when I desperately want Your guidance, it often seems in retrospect that You were guiding me through things all along. My country is at a crossroads. It should be a matter of a simple choice, but the history of how we got to this point is long and complex. There's a lot of fear. For many, the fear - valid as it is - is turning into panic, and that's not going to help us. When I did a reading on the situation today it did not escape my notice that it was the Torchbearer card in the Torchbearer position. And with the three cards together...we have a long way to go, but I feel I already need to give You my gratitude. Thank You for guiding us, Mother! I also find myself at a personal crossroads. Sometimes it seems that's the whole experience of life. I guess it is. All the paths branching off, overlapping, etc. There always seems to be one kind of crossroads or another. This one is deeply personal. I've ha

Mysterious happenings...

Mother Hekate, as things progress I'm not as worried as I was about what might happen with You if I pursued things with quick, cunning, clever, kind Hermes. I have asked for Your guidance, and I have seen signs that You not only would not be bothered by this, but also that there are things You want me to learn from this. I thank You for guiding me. I don't know how this will all work, but I am thankful for Your guidance and for me being able to see this is already leading me back to spending more time honoring You. I am thankful for You, Mother, and for my relationship with you. Strange things are happening. Things that I can't just look at as it being likely that I noticed these things more because of what's been on my mind. No...these are things that tie together things that happened years ago, experiences of other people, and what I am experiencing now. Younger Me would have been so excited and trusted it all on a surface level. Current Me is suspicious...maybe just

Confusion and Trust

Glorious Hekate! I am blessed in Your presence. Torchbearer, I trust You to shine Your light and lead me through the darkness of my confusion. Mother, everything is shifting in ways I didn't see coming. Of course, that's how the shift works. When I see it coming it's just like a turn on the road. It's when I don't see it coming that I feel things have suddenly shifted and everything is being jerked in different directions. I don't always recognize what is good and what is not. Even what I do recognize as good, I can be overwhelmed by. That's where I am now. There's still a lot that I can't see. I'm not alarmed by everything that I can see. There are points that I know are good, but I'm still kind of afraid of them. They're new and unfamiliar. I feel like there's a new crossroads every few steps. I fear making the wrong choice. I know I'm not walking alone. I trust Your guidance. And quick, cunning, clever, kind Hermes is part of t

A Prayer for a Sister

Khaire Hekate Propylaia! You who stands at the gates, including the gate between life and death! Mother, I have been asked to pray, and if it is true that "the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb", then the one who asked me to pray is a sister. She has requested that I pray for the sister of her mother. This woman's time to cross that threshold is very close. May she cross peacefully, without pain and fear and suffering. Her illness has dragged her through too much of that already. May she be as physically comfortable as possible. May her mind find peace in knowing this is, in some ways, the end. And if it would bring her comfort, please let her know that what we so often percieve as "the end" is really a transition, and there are ways she will always be part of this world. Guide her, Mother. Because of dreams I've had recently, I suspect Hermes may help her. Khaire Hermes! But You stand at the gate. I don't claim to fully underst