
I look for You in the cards...

Mother Hekate - Glorious Hekate! - I find You everywhere I look. So much of my divination work these days is done with tools other than tarot, but I return to those cards for many purposes. Sometimes I ask myself which Major Arcana card seems to be YOUR card, much like I see Hermes as The Magician. Of course, I see Hermes in other cards, too, but it depends on context. Yes, at times I see him in The Fool, though he is more likely to be the companion dog. But to choose just one card - The Magician! It's not so simple with You. Even in the cards, I find You everywhere that I look. I see You in The Fool, as a door has been opened and a journey begun. That 0 could be a full moon, and just as easily a dark moon.  I see You in The Moon. I see You in The High Priestess, the actual third card if one starts with The Fool. And I see You in The Empress, which carries the number 3. Of course I see She Who Works From Afar and She Who Loves Solitude in the number 9, The Hermit! And I see You in ...

The Cord

The cord of my prayer beads broke today. I knew it would happen someday. That's why I made them the way I make it easier to fix them when "someday" came.  Mother, You know how my mind finds the patterns in things. How I don't always come to the most accurate conclusions, but I do find meaning in the patterns. I knew there would be a "someday", but I didn't expect what is happening when I made them, and even once I knew this was coming I didn't think "someday" would be now. I want Your help. I want Your guidance. I want You to take away my fears. But I don't want to...well, that's why I'm having trouble praying with words. I know what I want, I know that I don't want to ask for it, and trying to look deeper just freezes me. So I pray through art. I pray through tending the Temple. I pray through breathing. I look at the Crossroads and see the Great Elephant sitting there. I have only ever known his kindness. But I al...

Mono, Poly, Heno

Mother, it seems this year is starting with one of those times that gives me both confusion and comfort. Maybe with a touch of alarm added. I feel drawn to Ganesha again, as it seems to happen every few years. It makes sense in a way, given the anniversary that this year is for me.  I am sometimes bothered by the common modern Pagan approach of just looking at as Immortal Ones as something of a symbol. As if each of you is confined to having domain in certain areas and that's it. If I were to ask You to guide me through some kind of obstacles in my love life, there would be someone who would tell me I should be asking Aphrodite. But I don't have a relationship with her like I do with You. And I'm sure someone would tell me I don't need to concern myself with Ganesha because I already have a relationship with You, so I already have a Gatekeeper.  I don't "have a Gatekeeper". I have a relationship  with  a Gatekeeper. That's not the same thing. I'm n...

Dark Moon, New Year

Glorious Hekate! The dark moon passed a few nights ago, but I still think of it as the new year starting with one. The moon is still dark enough that I can't see the difference, and following a human-created calendar as if it was the only accurate way of timing things isn't always the best way to do it. And we spend this week in a liminal space, feeling like the year is over but the new one hasn't started yet. I look to the dark moon with hope. I see You at the start of this new year. Mother, this year brings challenges and echoes of the past. It also brings opportunities for me to do important work with my art and writing. I ask for Your guidance. Help me do what is best with that work. Help me deliver the best messages, and reach the people who most need it. Help me heal with my work - myself and others. Bless my family with the tools we need to be able to give me time and energy for that work. Mother, please let me keep my Miniature Luck Dragon with me through this new y...

Letting Go of the Beloved

Mother Hekate, She Who Dwells Among the Mighty and Beloved Dead... This is going to be hard. Maybe not as hard as I fear, but I can't see any way it won't be hard. I knew Hermes wanted my attention when the bracelet fell off, but I didn't know why. And I'm so thankful it was fixed! And then the same thing from You with the key. I thought maybe Hermes was just starting a pattern so I would see it with the key. As far as I currently know, that still could be what happened. However it happened, You got my attention. I know one of our Beloved Ones is ready to leave this form of life. I'm scared, Mother. Her brother is so very precious to me, and I don't know how to make it through next year without him, but he's never had to make it through even a single day without her. They come from the same litter. They were together even before they took their first breaths. I'm scared. I'm scared for him. And if he can't make it longer without her, then I'm...

Power and Chosen

Glorious Hekate! My mind keeps drifting through how our relationship came to be, and wandering down trails of what I had heard before. I guess I still hear those things now, but much more rarely, and it carries no weight with me when it does happen. Eyes roll, noses snort, and there are more important things to give attention to. But I didn't always know what I know now. There was a time when I was taking in every little bit of information and trying to keep up with finding out what was valid, invalid, and Not That Simple. The only times I heard of You then, Your name was spoken quietly because of fear, or loudly boasted about by those who wanted to stir up fear as a way of gaining unearned respect. I heard that You were powerful, dark, and one should not anger those who had declared themselves to be Your priestesses or they would call for You to punish whomever angered them! Yes, there's a lot of ridiculousness packed into that, but also bits of truth. You are powerful. Many a...

Something's not right...

Truth Speaks sigil created by Laura Tempest Zakroff Mother, I see so much pain, fear, and trying to find ways to process what is happening that aren't really mentally healthy. Even in all of that, though, there is a different stream of people getting the feeling that "something's off", "something is too weird", "something's not right". You know things were not delivered in the mail that should have been. You know some people had things returned to them that shouldn't have been. You know that while many people may just not like the numbers on the surface, it's numbers deeper below that aren't quite making sense. Maybe we are desperate, but we have reason to be! Too much pain will come from this. Too much death. And there's already too much of that in the world, but we had hopes to maybe fix some of it instead of adding to it. If this is truly what has been chosen, we need Your help surviving it and doing better going forward. But...