I look for You in the cards...
Mother Hekate - Glorious Hekate! - I find You everywhere I look. So much of my divination work these days is done with tools other than tarot, but I return to those cards for many purposes. Sometimes I ask myself which Major Arcana card seems to be YOUR card, much like I see Hermes as The Magician. Of course, I see Hermes in other cards, too, but it depends on context. Yes, at times I see him in The Fool, though he is more likely to be the companion dog. But to choose just one card - The Magician! It's not so simple with You. Even in the cards, I find You everywhere that I look. I see You in The Fool, as a door has been opened and a journey begun. That 0 could be a full moon, and just as easily a dark moon. I see You in The Moon. I see You in The High Priestess, the actual third card if one starts with The Fool. And I see You in The Empress, which carries the number 3. Of course I see She Who Works From Afar and She Who Loves Solitude in the number 9, The Hermit! And I see You in ...